LifeWork Ministries: 2023 Annual Report: See What The Lord Has Done!
See What The Lord Has Done!
Thank you for your financial support of LifeWork Ministries in 2023. God did a mighty work and transformed so many lives, all because of your generosity and commitment to our vision. See what the Lord has done! To Him be all the glory! Amen.
Camping Retreat: We had our first camping retreat in August. It was well attended and transformative. God worked mightily in the lives of all who came and the testimonies are all over social media. Here’s a photo of some attendees.
2023 Saved Singles Summit: The 2023 Summit was awesome! Single Christians attended from 7 states and Washington DC, and God did great things! We had testimonies of physical healing and empowerment. Here’s a photo.
- Men’s Fellowship: In November 2023, we launched a new Men’s Ministry. This is an outgrowth of the ManCave from the Summit. They meet by-weekly via Zoom. It is growing and impacting single Christian men for the Kingdom!
Game Nights: We had two game nights. They were times of great laughter, fun, fellowship and Jesus! Here’s a photo.
Books in Libraries: We placed a set of my books in 4 local libraries. Since then, we’ve received testimonies of people who read the books in the library and were greatly impacted by them. One woman contacted me on Facebook. She said: “I am in the process of reading “Choices That Make or Break”. I like how you make everything so clear. I plan to read all your books that we have in the Delaware City library. Stay strong and thank you. I feel so good just reading your book.”
Monthly Sunday Lunch: Our Sunday lunch has become a regular event that provides community, support and a family for many singles. It is a monthly forum to bless, strengthen and encourage singles in their daily walk. Here’s a photo.
- Library Author Days: We were invited to be a part of three author events at two local libraries this year - One author event at the Appoquinimink library and two author events at the Bear Library. We had the privilege to meet other local authors and tell the authors and attendees about Jesus.
Prayer Conference: On October 21, we held the “Fire Power” Prayer conference at ICGC Church in Newark, Delaware. It was a powerful time of prayer and ministry. Here’s a photo:
Fire Pit Social: Our Fire Pit social on December 2nd was a great time of joy, fellowship, and testimonies of the goodness of God. We focused on Christ and His finished works for us on the cross. Here’s a photo.
- Private FB Groups: We started a new private Saved Singles Facebook Group. That group has grown tremendously and is impacting lives daily for the kingdom of God. It provides a safe space, community, biblical principles, and daily support for single Christians to grow together in faith and faithfulness to Christ.
Community Service Events: We had several community service events this year. We served at the Food Bank and heart for humanity. Here’s a photo.
Prayer for Your Future Spouse: On November 11th, we hosted the “Prayer for Your Future Spouse” Zoom event. It was truly a God-event that moved so many. Christian singles submitted their desire for marriage/remarriage to the Lord in trust, worship and faith. It was powerful! Here’s a photo.
- Online Prayer: Continued on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. We are joined by people from all around the world. We received many testimonies of answered prayers.
Racial Equity & Unity Family Picnic: The REU picnic at Glasgow Park was a beautiful time of connection and fellowship in the Lord. Here’s a photo.
- IDECLARE FB Group: Continues to be a forum for daily posting of prayer and proclamation of the word of God. In 2023, we proclaimed the Psalms.
Community Health Fair: On Memorial Day, we partnered with Abundant Life Church in New Castle to host a community health fair. Lifework ministries provided free emotional health counseling to attendees. Here’s a photo.
- REACH Gospel Radio: We continue to minister the word of God on REACH gospel radio in the U.S and Canada. We continue to receive great feedback.
- Church Ministry: In 2023, we had the tremendous opportunity to minister at several churches including, International Central Gospel Church, Lifeline Church, Arising Ministries, Victory Christian Fellowship, and Leading Ladies Ministries.
- Monthly Bible Studies: In 2023, we continued our monthly Zoom Bible studies.
Christmas Party: We had our Christmas party at the DuPont country club on December 8th. It was a great time of fellowship and holy fun. Here’s a photo.
Parking Lot Evangelism: We had a glorious time sharing the gospel at Beaver Brook Plaza in New Castle. God gave us the privilege to lead several people to Christ and many more heard the gospel. Here is a photo.
- Praying in the New Year: We plan to close out the year with prayer and step into 2024 with communion. In 2024, we plan to have 21 days of prayer from January 8-28th.
We had many more events with kingdom impact in 2023. We had concerts, nature walks in the park, ice cream socials, and movie nights. We went to Sights and Sounds Theater to see Moses and to snow tubing in the Poconos. The presence of God was manifest all through our events this year. For 2024, God has GREAT things in store and we are in lock step with Him. Your support made the 2023 ministry possible. We ask for your support again for 2024. You can still make your tax deductible donation by Dec 31st at
May the Lord bless you and keep you. Amen.
Gloria Godson.